Who we are.
HARBOUR is an independent asset management boutique, providing tailored financial solutions and bespoke individual advice to high-net-worth international Clients. Our mission is to serve as a safe haven for Clients in all manner of unexpected storms and wind changes.
We take pride in operating to the highest standards and in overseeing the company with a financially sustainable approach to focus on creating long-term relationships based on trust. Your privacy is protected through our commitment to confidentiality and the guidelines of the Dubai Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA).
How we protect your investments.
What matters to you, matters to us.
In all market conditions, HARBOUR strives to be your safe haven of investing. We use cutting-edge technology combined with personalized advice to understand your financial needs, build portfolios and asset allocation strategies suitable to your profile. We adhere to the highest ethical standards and disciplined decision-making, with a focus on repeatable strategies.
HARBOUR will be there to guide you in rising, falling and stable market conditions. Our capacity to re-assess changing markets allows us to build stable and robust solutions for your investments.
What makes us different.
At HARBOUR, we strive to provide our Clients with the utmost professional asset management and advisory services. Our team of experienced professionals utilizes a detailed investment profile and strategy to determine the optimal capital allocation strategy, tailored to the Client’s best interests. We prioritize mutual trust and seek to establish a long-term, successful relationship with our Clients. We understand the importance of risk management and always begin every mandate with a risk target in mind. Our fee structure is transparent, and our advisors are independent and unbiased. Our state-of-the-art reporting system ensures Clients receive timely and accurate information about their portfolios. Furthermore, our services are subject to rigorous regulatory oversight and banking secrecy in order to maximize asset protection. Our global reach, personal touch, and commitment to excellence set us apart from other private banking firms. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive culture that embraces and honours the unique contributions of all our people.
Who We Are
Disclaimers & Disclosures
The information herein contained, including any terms and conditions presented (the information) has been prepared and distributed by Harbour Wealth Management (HWM) and is directed at Clients (non-retails costumers) who qualified as either professional Clients (as defined in DFSA’s rule book, glossary module (“GLO”) or Market Counterparties (cf.GLO) enacted by Dubai Financial Services Authority (‘DFSA’). This document is being furnished to the intended recipient solely for information purposes. Any investments carry its own risks; the investor must be aware of the risks posed by an investment (Cf. GLO) and is fully responsible for the risks incurred. The information is not and cannot be understood as impartial investment research. HWM does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and the opinions expressed herein are HWM’s opinions at the moment they are conveyed only and are subject to change without prior notice. This document cannot be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means without HWM’s specific authorization and any distribution of the information on behalf of HWM is strictly prohibited. Neither this document nor any copy hereof may be sent or taken or transmitted into or distributed, directly, or indirectly, in any jurisdiction other then Dubai International Financial Centre. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of the laws of the jurisdiction where the document is being redistributed. This document does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, any offer for sale or subscription of or solicitation of or invitation to make any offer to purchase or subscribe for any financial products or services and neither this document nor any part of it shall form the basis of or be relied on in connection with or act as an inducement to enter into any contract or commitment whatsoever. HWM does not accept any kind of liability for losses or damages which may arise from the use of this document or its contents nor for the unlawful reproduction and/or redistribution of the same. HWM is dully licensed and Regulated by the DFSA and is 100% owned by AFM INTERNATIONAL, a company with registered address at Level 3, Sky Parks Business Centre, Malta International Airport, Luqa, Malta.